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| Hong Kong China Paragliding Association Limited (HKPA) 中國香港滑翔傘協會有限公司(香港滑翔傘協會)香港滑翔傘協會是滑翔傘運動在香港的運動總會。本會成立於1991年,為國際航空聯盟(FAI), 中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會(港協暨奧委會)及香港飛行總會之認可機構。本會亦為民航處香港非控制區飛行安全小組一員,代表香港滑翔傘愛好及參加者。
HKPA is the national sports association representing paragliding in Hong Kong. Founded in 1991, the HKPA is affiliated with the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) and the Hong Kong Aviation Club (HKAC). The HKPA is also the representing body for recreational paragliding on the Hong Kong Sector Flight Safety Committee (Under the HK Civil Aviation Department). As the National Sports Association for paragliding in Hong Kong, HKPA is also tasked with determining eligibility and making selections for our athletes to represent Hong Kong at international events, such as the Asian Games and the Paragliding World Championships. The HKPA provides IPPI card and sporting license, please login to order. The HKPA certifies individuals qualified to teach and certifies paraglider at various levels of competence. Holders of other foreign pilot rating may apply for HKPA rating through equivalence. |