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HKPA Pilot ratings

The HKPA has signed a cooperative agreement with the Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors (APPI), an independent organization offering pilots and instructors a unified worldwide education system. APPI is also one of the author of FAI safe-pro-para paragliding training standard. The HKPA paragliding rating is aligned with the Association of Paraglider Pilots and Instructors (APPI) system. The standards will be maintained based on the APPI rules. The teaching methodology will follow the APPI syllabus. A waiver from individual rules or standards of the APPI may be granted in writing by the EC in exceptional circumstances if is deemed necessary and appropriate. The title of each rating indicates the purpose of the rating. A pilot must complete all tasks and, or requirements in each level before he may be rated at that level, the rating will display on HKPA member card.

香港滑翔傘協會已與APPI (Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors) 簽署了一項合作協議,在香港遵循APPI教學大綱。APPI是一個為滑翔傘飛行員和教練提供統一的全球教育系統的獨立組織,APPI還是FAI滑翔傘訓練標準的作者之一。 HKPA滑翔傘等級會與APPI的系統保持一致,這些標準將根據APPI規則進行維護。飛行員必須在合資格教練下完成每個級別的所有或要求,才能被評定為該飛行員資歷級別,資歷級別會在香港滑翔傘協會會員卡上顯示。

HKPA ratings are issued by the EC of the HKPA where:

  • The applicant is a member of the HKPA and;
  • Any and all outstanding fees are paid and;
  • The appropriate documentary evidence from the Qualification paragraph for each rating below is uploaded to the applicants HKPA website profile.


  • 申請人是香港滑翔傘協會的會員;
  • 支付所有未付費用;
  • 將以下每個等級的“資格”中的適當證明文件上載到申請人的香港滑翔傘協會網站帳號中。

Refer to the APPI syllabus:

APPI HKPA Cooperation Agreement

For further reading: HKPA Ops manual

Pilot Rating:

Rating Name  Description
 HKPA 0  Novice  Introduction to paragliding / Tandem flight
 HKPA 1  Solo Novice  Ground Skimming (not flying higher than you would care to fall)
 HKPA 2  Club Pilot  Altitude Gliding (altitude and space to do manoeuvres, no soaring)
 HKPA 3  Pilot  Active Flying (preparing for turbulence, recovery and descending techniques…)
 HKPA 4  Intermediate Pilot  Soaring (using both ridge and thermal lift)
 HKPA 5  Advance Pilot

 Senior pilot (mastering one or more advanced practices)

Professional Rating:

Rating Name  Description
 HKPA T1  Tandem Pilot  Non commercial tandem paraglider operator
 HKPA T2  Advanced Tandem Pilot  Commercial tandem paraglider operator
 HKPA In1  Assistant Instructor  First qualification for those who are eager to teach paragliding
 HKPA In2  Instructor  Have pedagogical abilities in teaching paragliding
 HKPA In3  Master Instructor

 Highest Instructor rating able to give a pro-workshop or an instructor course

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