The following summary of the Right of Way rules is taken from the AIR NAVIGATION (HONG KONG) ORDER 1995 and INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANISATION (ICAO) ANNEX 2. This is the law for pilots of all aircraft including paragliders:
Nothing in these rules shall relieve the pilot-in-command of a paraglider from the responsibility of taking such action as will best avert collision.
A paraglider shall not be operated in such proximity to other
paraglider as to create a collision hazard.
When two aircraft are approaching head-on each aircraft will turn right. (‘Drive' on the right side of the ‘road’).
When two aircraft are converging the aircraft on the right has right-of-way. (On the right is in the right).
An aircraft which is being overtaken will have right-of-way over the overtaking aircraft. (Give way when overtaking)
When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way, but it shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of another which is on final approach to land or to overtake that aircraft.
No flying in clouds.
An aircraft which has the right-of-way will maintain its course and speed, but, if the other pilot does not react appropriately you are expected to take every action necessary to avoid a collision.
When approaching head-on while ridge-soaring ONLY the glider with the ridge on the left will be able to turn right.
When overtaking while ridge-soaring always pass between the other glider and the ridge.
When joining a thermal always circle in the same direction as the gliders that have entered before you.