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The HKPA is a 100% volunteer run organization and relies on members and supporters to freely give their time.

香港滑翔傘協會是一個 100% 由義工營運的組織,依賴會員和支持者無償付出時間。

There are many areas where HKPA provides services and administration to the paragliding community where we can use more help in getting the job done.


See the list below for opportunities to contribute to the association and contact our Vice Chairman if you are interested to help out.




To better represent the current Hong Kong flying community, it is important that the HKPA build its dual-lingual presence so that pilot access to resources and support is not limited by language. The translator should have good written Chinese language skills and are willing to produce Chinese language versions of even small amounts of HKPA material. 

翻譯員 為了更好地代表現時的香港滑翔傘社群,香港滑翔傘協會 (HKPA) 建立雙語服務是很重要的,這樣飛行員可獲得的資源和支援就不會受到語言的限制。翻譯人員應具有良好的中文書寫能力,並願意翻譯香港滑翔傘協會任何數量的中文版本。

Social Activities Manager
For 2022 and beyond, the HKPA intents to hold monthly Happy Hour Drinks events and quarterly reserve repack sessions. The Social Activities Manager is the 
coordinator for such social activities.


Public Relations / Social Media Manager
If you're always on Facebook, why not be on it for the club? We need help with our social media presence, as well as responding to public queries to the club. 
Be the person who presents the friendly face of the HKPA to the public.

公關/社交媒體經理 如果你總是在 Facebook 世界,何不為香港滑翔傘協會服務?我們需要你幫助我們管理社交媒體,並回應公眾對協會的查詢。成為向公眾展示香港滑翔傘協會友好形象的人。

Graphic Designer
Site signage is underway, however we need a finished artist to design something beautiful, enduring, and manufacturable. 
We're also looking for designs for T-Shirts, stickers, and any other items with merchandise potential.

平面設計師 飛行場地的告示牌正在設計中,但我們需要一名藝術家來設計一些美麗、持久且易於製造的告示牌。我們還在尋找T恤、貼紙和其他具有商品潛力的物品的設計。

Safety Report Editor
Civil Aviation requires us to produce a quarterly accidents and incidents summary. We'd like an editor to produce this report on a quarterly basis. We'd also be interested in having a summary in newsletter form that we can circulate to our members as resourcing permits.

安全報告編輯 民航處要求我們每季度製作一份事故和事件報告摘要。我們希望有一位編輯在每季度製作此報告。我們還希望在資源允許的情況下,以會員通訊的形式制作一份摘要,發送給我們的會員。

Membership Administrator
The Membership Administrator helps the Executive Committee to keep our Membership Database up to date. The role will follow up with new joiners and help any member who has issues with their Membership. The Membership administrator also coordinates the data accuracy for Radio and Sporting License applications.

會員管理員 會員管理員協助執行委員會保持會員數據庫的最新狀態。該職位將跟進新加入者,並幫助遇到會員問題的會員。會員管理員還負責處理無線對講機執照和體育執照申請的數據準確性。

Technical Administrator
The role of the Technical Administrator is to maintain and improve the operations of our current technology needs (website, email, social media, webcam, file sharing and membership management). The knowledge of Python or PHP would be helpful for some of the tasks. 

技術管理員 技術管理員的職責是維護和改進我們目前的技术需求(網站、電子郵件、社交媒體、網絡攝像頭、文件共享和會員管理)。了解 Python 或 PHP 將有助於完成一些任務。 

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