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通告 / Notice

18 Jun 2024 06:00 | Anonymous


中國香港滑翔傘協會失去一位親愛會員. CK在二零二四年六月十七日大嶼山大東山斜坡上墜毀身亡。是我們界中一位活躍且受人尊敬的員,我們對他的親人和朋友表示深切慰問。

事故的細節正在調查中,並且航空事故調查需要一些時間。 香港滑翔傘協會正與警方、民航處及事故調查員聯絡。 在這種情況下,我們的理解是航空事故調查局 (AAIA) 對事故調查有主導權,我們將在可能的情況下為調查提供協助。此外,我們的程序要求我們召集自己的調查委員會,調查導致死亡的事故。 此類調查的唯一目的是通過分析事故、事故徵候和數據來促進滑翔傘事故的預防。



The Hong Kong China Paragliding Association Ltd lost a dear member who crashed on the slopes of Sunset Peak on Lantau and subsequently passed away on the 17th of June 2024. CK was an active and respected member of our paragliding community. We extend our deepest condolences to his loved ones and friends.

The accident is now under investigation and a detailed report will be made in due course. The HKPA is collaborating with the Police, the Civil Aviation Department and the accident investigators. The Air Accident Investigation Authority (AAIA) holds primary determination over accident investigation, and we will provide assistance to the best of our abilities. Separately, our procedures require us to convene our own board of inquiry into accidents resulting in death. The purpose of such inquiry is to study the accident in a bid to promote paragliding safety and the prevention of accidents.

Media and public enquiries can be directed to

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