Congratulations to the participants from Hong Kong in the 2019 Taiwan XC Open competition. This year a total of 13 pilots from Hong Kong participated, with 4 pilots from Hong Kong taking 3rd place in the Team category.
HKPA Safety officer Herman Chiu, who also competed in the 2018 Asian Games, explains with a joking smile. - "I really just want to keep up with them to learn their techniques, and setting our goal to beat the South Korean team was a good starting point".
Herman Chiu 以開玩笑解釋道 “我只係想跟得上佢哋, 咁樣先可以學到嘢咋嘛”。
Also present were several pilots attending their first paragliding competition. Alex Chan, flying his Ozone Rush 5, admits that he made a lot of mistakes everyday but ultimately this is all part of the learning process.
還有一些飛行員參加他們的第一次滑翔傘比賽。Alex Chan承認他每天都犯了很多錯誤但最終知道這都是學習過程中的一部分。
"We really hope to see more pilots from Hong Kong out to compete, there's so much to discover outside of our home sites in Hong Kong" claims Dixon Qian, another member of the Hong Kong Team during the Asian Games.
Dixon Qian 說 “希望可以見到多啲香港人出嚟比賽啦,唔好淨係喺香港飛, 比賽可以學到好多野”
This year's competition saw a total of 5 flyable days, with 1 as a practice day, and 4 tasks in total. We hope 2019 brings more success and stories - "ADD OIL" Hong Kong!
今年的比賽5天都適合飛行,第一天是練習日,總共有4個任務。 祝香港參賽者2019 年繼續加油!
Photo Credit: Ben Liao 孔家豪