The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is now conducting a comprehensive review of the Sports Subvention Scheme (SSS) to meet the changing needs of the sporting community in Hong Kong.
The scope of the SSS review include funding principles and eligibility for national sports associations (NSAs) and other sports organisations (SOs); allocation of subvention and subsidy level; means to attract and retain talents to stay and continue to contribute to the sporting arena; and measures to enhance monitoring and corporate governance.
With a view to reaching out to different levels and various interested parties, LCSD has provided more channels for collecting views of the public either by email (reviewsss@lcsd.gov.hk), by fax (2681 2099) or by post to Sports Funding Office of the LCSD at 2/F, LCS Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin (please quote Comprehensive Review of Sports Subvention Scheme on the envelope) till 28 February 2019.
For more information, please go to http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/programmes/programmeslist/sss.html