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對申訴專員公署調查滑翔傘規管的回應 / Response to Ombudsman investigation into paragliding regulation

19 Mar 2021 08:53 | Anonymous

 香港滑翔傘協會對是次申訴專員公署主動調查民航處對滑翔傘活動的規管持正面態度。民航處多年來持續參與對滑翔傘運動的協調和規管,過往亦曾發出相關指引。 我們希望是次調查對加強香港滑翔傘運動的規管及法律框架有積極的改進作用。





The Hong Kong Paragliding Association welcomes the direct investigation by the Ombudsman to examine the Civil Aviation Department (CAD)'s regulation of paragliding activities. The CAD has proactively improved the sport’s regulation and coordination over the past years. We believe it is now a good time to take stock and to review how the legal framework can be enhanced to further the sport of paragliding in Hong Kong.

As the National Sports Association promoting paragliding, we look forward to assist with input on operational and safety procedures and practices.

Paragliding has become increasingly popular in Hong Kong. Our many accessible mountains allow for ample flying time in many different wind directions. These conditions have been attracting many residents to enjoy paragliding as well as experienced pilots from around the world to come and fly in Hong Kong.

Please visit our website for more information about paragliding in Hong Kong.


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